#thisfoisrce Adventure to Dress


#thitisforce started with a simple question: What if a group of people could discover mutual ground by relating to each other through their differences? How would members of such a team act with one another when they had agreed on a joint goal? The first peace journey to Africa will be a massive success in terms of media awareness, recognition by peers and a 90-minutes documentary. The journey of FORCE Adventure to Dress planning for 2018 turn out to be an even bigger adventure in terms of logistics and management.

Ghetto Beats work with involvement by a number of creatives the virtuous circle between sustainable economical development and peace.
We focus on content and how it can be represented impactful in media. It is only when storytelling is preceded by "storylistening" that it truly engages viewers and lowers the threshold for participation, engagement, action. With triggering such action, the storytelling of #thatisforce. "solution journalism". 
In operational terms, a number of local activities in Palermo are our starting point for engagement in Africa. With the Ghetto Beats Foundation, we have found the perfect partner to seed us and our projects. Ghetto Beats Foundation works in and around America & Africa since 2018, delivering community development projects from the ground-up.
Nine men and women – Each one representing Differents religions & Differents African & American Countries – coming together in mind, body and spirit to cross the Sahara desert and the territories of eight different countries and cultures.
The participants confronted physical and spiritual terrain that has witnessed conflict throughout the centuries. They tested themselves against the challenges of their surroundings and their own conflicting relationships.

On August 1th , on a six weeks journey from Palermo to Sud-Africa. Each of the participants have strong experience on traumata caused by hate, conflict and terror. How would these traumata play out under the stress of a journey, traveling 7.000 km in an old fire truck, on camel and on foot? What would be the stories these strangers would tell each other during a time that was anything but a holiday? Could they relate to each other?
The journey officially start in Palermo with a press conference at which Former. In the next six weeks, the team would travel from Palermo to the African territories (where they met with the chief of staff of the Authority).
On their way, they will be accompanied by a film crew as well as by representatives from the international press.The documentary „Thatisforce“, produced by Re:Boot and American Director.. will be screened on international film festivals to critical acclaim.
On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.

For the goals to be reached, everyone needs to do their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you.

Do you want to get involved? You can start by telling everyone about them. We’ve also put together a list of actions that you can take in your everyday life to contribute to a sustainable future.
Research on Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises

FORCE work programme on Investment and Enterprise carries out in-depth analysis of the development impact of AFRICA with a view to helping developing countries maximize the net development benefit of Value.

Force Impact equivalent fractions process To Combat Poverty
Sustainable Development Goals
Force Sells | Productions | Global Consumption
Financial Investments
Social Transactions
Frame Works
Viral Marketing
Side Effects
Transparent Support
Increase of Equality
Transportation – Transformation.
return on investment
Compatibility on Franchise values.
